Display a 3D model
This example shows how to display a 3D model on a map.
In the example, a sports car model is rendered on a map by using a Model Layer. This layer has the ability to render 3D models on the map.
Location data from a GeoJSON source is also used to position the model on the map.
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:mapbox_maps_flutter/mapbox_maps_flutter.dart';
import 'example.dart';
class ModelLayerExample extends StatefulWidget implements Example {
final Widget leading = const Icon(Icons.view_in_ar);
final String title = 'Display a 3D model in a model layer';
final String subtitle = 'Showcase the usage of a 3D model layer.';
State<StatefulWidget> createState() => _ModelLayerExampleState();
class _ModelLayerExampleState extends State<ModelLayerExample> {
MapboxMap? mapboxMap;
var position = Position(24.9458, 60.17180);
var modelPosition = Position(24.94457012371287, 60.171958417023674);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MapWidget(
cameraOptions: CameraOptions(
center: Point(coordinates: position),
zoom: 18.5,
bearing: 98.82,
pitch: 85),
key: const ValueKey<String>('mapWidget'),
onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,
onStyleLoadedListener: _onStyleLoaded);
_onMapCreated(MapboxMap mapboxMap) async {
this.mapboxMap = mapboxMap;
_onStyleLoaded(StyleLoadedEventData data) async {
addModelLayer() async {
var value = Point(coordinates: modelPosition);
if (mapboxMap == null) {
throw Exception("MapboxMap is not ready yet");
final buggyModelId = "model-test-id";
final buggyModelUri =
await mapboxMap?.style.addStyleModel(buggyModelId, buggyModelUri);
final carModelId = "model-car-id";
final carModelUri = "asset://assets/sportcar.glb";
await mapboxMap?.style.addStyleModel(carModelId, carModelUri);
await mapboxMap?.style
.addSource(GeoJsonSource(id: "sourceId", data: json.encode(value)));
var modelLayer = ModelLayer(id: "modelLayer-buggy", sourceId: "sourceId");
modelLayer.modelId = buggyModelId;
modelLayer.modelScale = [0.15, 0.15, 0.15];
modelLayer.modelRotation = [0, 0, 90];
modelLayer.modelType = ModelType.COMMON_3D;
var modelLayer1 = ModelLayer(id: "modelLayer-car", sourceId: "sourceId");
modelLayer1.modelId = carModelId;
modelLayer1.modelScale = [0.15, 0.15, 0.15];
modelLayer1.modelRotation = [0, 0, 90];
modelLayer1.modelType = ModelType.COMMON_3D;