
public struct Options

Wraps parameters for Discover/Category searches. Use this to provide arguments that narrow your search.

  • Maximum number of results to return. The maximum allowed value for SBS APIs is 100 results. The maximum allowed value for geocoding APIs is 10 results.



    public let limit: Int
  • List of language codes which used to provide localized results, order matters.

    Locale.preferredLanguages used as default or ["en"] if none. Specify the user’s language. This parameter controls the language of the text supplied in responses, and also affects result scoring, with results matching the user’s query in the requested language being preferred over results that match in another language. For example, a query for things that start with Frank might return Frankfurt as the first result with an English (en) language parameter, but Frankreich (“France”) with a German (de) language parameter.



    public let language: Language
  • See Country.ISO3166_1_alpha2 for the list of ISO 3166 alpha 2 country codes. The default value is nil.



    public let country: Country?
  • Bias the response to favor results that are closer to a specific location. When both proximity and origin are provided, origin is interpreted as the target of a route, while proximity indicates the current user location.



    public let proximity: CLLocationCoordinate2D?
  • The location from which to calculate distance. When both proximity and origin are provided, origin is interpreted as the target of a route, while proximity indicates the current user location.



    public let origin: CLLocationCoordinate2D?
  • Undocumented



    public init(
        limit: Int = 10,
        language: Language? = nil,
        country: Country? = nil,
        proximity: CLLocationCoordinate2D? = nil,
        origin: CLLocationCoordinate2D? = nil