
public final class RoadGraph

RoadGraph provides methods to get edge shape (e.g. RoadGraph.Edge) and metadata.

You do not create a RoadGraph object manually. Instead, observe the Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidUpdatePosition notification to obtain edge identifiers and get more details about the edges using the RouteController.roadGraph or PassiveLocationManager.roadGraph property.

  • Returns metadata about the edge with the given edge identifier.



    public func edgeMetadata(edgeIdentifier: Edge.Identifier) -> Edge.Metadata?

    Return Value

    Metadata about the edge with the given edge identifier, or nil if the edge is not in the cache.

  • Returns a line string geometry corresponding to the given edge identifier.



    public func edgeShape(edgeIdentifier: Edge.Identifier) -> LineString?

    Return Value

    A line string corresponding to the given edge identifier, or nil if the edge is not in the cache.

  • Returns a line string geometry corresponding to the given path.



    public func shape(of path: Path) -> LineString?

    Return Value

    A line string corresponding to the given path, or nil if any of path edges are not in the cache.

  • Returns a point corresponding to the given position.



    public func shape(of position: Position) -> Point?

    Return Value

    A point corresponding to the given position, or nil if the edge is not in the cache.

  • Keys in the user info dictionaries of various notifications posted by instances of RouteController or PassiveLocationManager about RoadGraphs.

    See more



    public struct NotificationUserInfoKey : Hashable, Equatable, RawRepresentable
  • An edge in a routing graph. For example, an edge may represent a road segment between two intersections or between the two ends of a bridge. An edge may traverse multiple road objects, and a road object may be associated with multiple edges.

    An electronic horizon is a probable path (or paths) of a vehicle. The road network ahead of the user is represented as a tree of edges. Each intersection has outlet edges. In turn, each edge has a probability of transition to another edge, as well as details about the road segment that the edge traverses. You can use these details to influence application behavior based on predicted upcoming conditions.

    During active turn-by-turn navigation, the user-selected route and its metadata influence the path of the electronic horizon determined by RouteController. During passive navigation (free-driving), no route is actively selected, so PassiveLocationManager will determine the most probable path from the vehicle’s current location. You can receive notifications about changes in the current state of the electronic horizon by observing the Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidUpdatePosition, Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidEnterRoadObject, and Notification.Name.electronicHorizonDidExitRoadObject notifications.

    Use a RoadGraph object to get an edge with a given identifier.

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    public struct Edge
  • A position along a linear object in the road graph.

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    public struct Path
  • The position of a point object in the road graph.

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    public struct Position
  • The SubgraphEdge represents an edge in the complex object which might be considered as a directed graph. The graph might contain loops. innerEdgeIds and outerEdgeIds properties contain edge ids, which allows to traverse the graph, obtain geometry and calculate different distances inside it.

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    public struct SubgraphEdge