
public protocol NavigationViewControllerDelegate : VisualInstructionDelegate

The NavigationViewControllerDelegate protocol provides methods for configuring the map view shown by a NavigationViewController and responding to the cancellation of a navigation session.

For convenience, several location-related methods in the NavigationServiceDelegate protocol have corresponding methods in this protocol.

  • Called when the navigation view controller is dismissed, such as when the user ends a trip.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewControllerDidDismiss(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, byCanceling canceled: Bool)



    The navigation view controller that was dismissed.


    True if the user dismissed the navigation view controller by tapping the Cancel button; false if the navigation view controller dismissed by some other means.

  • Called when movement of the user updates the route progress model.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didUpdate progress: RouteProgress, with location: CLLocation, rawLocation: CLLocation)



    The ViewController that received the new locations.


    the RouteProgress model that was updated.


    the guaranteed location, possibly snapped, associated with the progress update.


    the raw location, from the location manager, associated with the progress update.

  • Called as the user approaches a waypoint.

    This message is sent, once per progress update, as the user is approaching a waypoint. You can use this to cue UI, to do network pre-loading, etc.


    This method will likely be called several times as you approach a destination. To respond to the user’s arrival only once, your delegate can define a property that keeps track of whether this method has already been called for the given waypoint.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, willArriveAt waypoint: Waypoint, after remainingTimeInterval: TimeInterval, distance: CLLocationDistance)



    The Navigation VC that is detecting the users’ approach.


    The waypoint that the service is arriving at.


    The estimated number of seconds until arrival.


    The current distance from the waypoint, in meters.

  • Called when the user arrives at the destination waypoint for a route leg.

    This method is called when the navigation view controller arrives at the waypoint. You can implement this method to prevent the navigation view controller from automatically advancing to the next leg. For example, you can and show an interstitial sheet upon arrival and pause navigation by returning false, then continue the route when the user dismisses the sheet. If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller automatically advances to the next leg when arriving at a waypoint.


    If you return false within this method, you must manually advance to the next leg: obtain the value of the navigationService and its NavigationService.routeProgress property, then increment the RouteProgress.legIndex property.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didArriveAt waypoint: Waypoint) -> Bool



    The navigation view controller that has arrived at a waypoint.


    The waypoint that the user has arrived at.

    Return Value

    True to automatically advance to the next leg, or false to remain on the now completed leg.

  • Returns whether the navigation view controller should be allowed to calculate a new route.

    If implemented, this method is called as soon as the navigation view controller detects that the user is off the predetermined route. Implement this method to conditionally prevent rerouting. If this method returns true, navigationViewController(_:willRerouteFrom:) will be called immediately afterwards.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, shouldRerouteFrom location: CLLocation) -> Bool



    The navigation view controller that has detected the need to calculate a new route.


    The user’s current location.

    Return Value

    True to allow the navigation view controller to calculate a new route; false to keep tracking the current route.

  • Called immediately before the navigation view controller calculates a new route.

    This method is called after navigationViewController(_:shouldRerouteFrom:) is called, simultaneously with the RouteControllerWillReroute notification being posted, and before navigationViewController(_:didRerouteAlong:) is called.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, willRerouteFrom location: CLLocation?)



    The navigation view controller that will calculate a new route.


    The user’s current location.

  • Called immediately after the navigation view controller receives a new route.

    This method is called after navigationViewController(_:willRerouteFrom:) and simultaneously with the RouteControllerDidReroute notification being posted.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didRerouteAlong route: Route)



    The navigation view controller that has calculated a new route.


    The new route.

  • Called when the navigation view controller fails to receive a new route.

    This method is called after navigationViewController(_:willRerouteFrom:) and simultaneously with the RouteControllerDidFailToReroute notification being posted.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didFailToRerouteWith error: Error)



    The navigation view controller that has calculated a new route.


    An error raised during the process of obtaining a new route.

  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that determines the appearance of the main route line.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view draws the route line using an MGLLineStyleLayer.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, mainRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that determines the appearance of the casing around the main route line.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view draws the casing for the main route line using an MGLLineStyleLayer.

    Default Implementation



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, mainRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that determines the appearance of alternative route lines.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view draws the alternative route lines using an MGLLineStyleLayer.

    Default Implementation



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, alternativeRouteStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that determines the appearance of the casing around the alternative route lines.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view draws the casing for the alternative route lines using an MGLLineStyleLayer.

    Default Implementation



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, alternateRouteCasingStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • navigationViewController(_:shapeFor:) Default implementation

    Returns an MGLShape that represents the path of the route line.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view represents the route line using an MGLPolylineFeature based on route’s coordinates property.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, shapeFor routes: [Route]) -> MGLShape?
  • Returns an MGLShape that represents the path of the route line’s casing.

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view represents the route line’s casing using an MGLPolylineFeature identical to the one returned by navigationViewController(_:shapeFor:).

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, simplifiedShapeFor route: Route) -> MGLShape?
  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that marks the location of each destination along the route when there are multiple destinations. The returned layer is added to the map below the layer returned by navigationViewController(_:waypointSymbolStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:).

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view marks each destination waypoint with a circle.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, waypointStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • Returns an MGLStyleLayer that places an identifying symbol on each destination along the route when there are multiple destinations. The returned layer is added to the map above the layer returned by navigationViewController(_:waypointStyleLayerWithIdentifier:source:).

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation view controller’s map view labels each destination waypoint with a number, starting with 1 at the first destination, 2 at the second destination, and so on.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, waypointSymbolStyleLayerWithIdentifier identifier: String, source: MGLSource) -> MGLStyleLayer?
  • Returns an MGLShape that represents the destination waypoints along the route (that is, excluding the origin).

    If this method is unimplemented, the navigation map view represents the route waypoints using navigationViewController(_:shapeFor:legIndex:).

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, shapeFor waypoints: [Waypoint], legIndex: Int) -> MGLShape?
  • Called when the user taps to select a route on the navigation view controller’s map view.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, didSelect route: Route)



    The navigation view controller presenting the route that the user selected.


    The route on the map that the user selected.

  • Returns the center point of the user course view in screen coordinates relative to the map view.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, mapViewUserAnchorPoint mapView: NavigationMapView) -> CGPoint
  • Allows the delegate to decide whether to ignore a location update.

    This method is called on every location update. By default, the navigation view controller ignores certain location updates that appear to be unreliable, as determined by the CLLocation.isQualified property.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, shouldDiscard location: CLLocation) -> Bool



    The navigation view controller that discarded the location.


    The location that will be discarded.

    Return Value

    If true, the location is discarded and the NavigationViewController will not consider it. If false, the location will not be thrown out.

  • Called to allow the delegate to customize the contents of the road name label that is displayed towards the bottom of the map view.

    This method is called on each location update. By default, the label displays the name of the road the user is currently traveling on.

    Default Implementation

    UnimplementedLogging prints a warning to standard output the first time this method is called.



    func navigationViewController(_ navigationViewController: NavigationViewController, roadNameAt location: CLLocation) -> String?



    The navigation view controller that will display the road name.


    The user’s current location.

    Return Value

    The road name to display in the label, or nil to hide the label.