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Add circle annotations

Show circle annotations on a map.

There are several ways to add markers, annotations, and other shapes to the map using the Maps SDK. To choose the best approach for your application, read the Markers and annotations guide.

import UIKit
import MapboxMaps

final class ViewController: UIViewController {
private lazy var mapView: MapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds)

override func viewDidLoad() {

let cameraOptions = CameraOptions(center: CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 0, longitude: 0), zoom: 2)
let mapInitOptions = MapInitOptions(cameraOptions: cameraOptions)
mapView = MapView(frame: view.bounds, mapInitOptions: mapInitOptions)
mapView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]

/// Create the CircleAnnotationManager
/// Annotation managers are kept alive by `AnnotationOrchestrator`
/// (`mapView.annotations`) until you explicitly destroy them
/// by calling `mapView.annotations.removeAnnotationManager(withId:)`
let circleAnnotationManager = mapView.annotations.makeCircleAnnotationManager()

var annotations = [CircleAnnotation]()
for _ in 0...2000 {
var annotation = CircleAnnotation(centerCoordinate: .random)
annotation.circleColor = StyleColor(.random)
annotation.circleStrokeColor = StyleColor(
annotation.circleRadius = 12
annotation.isDraggable = true
annotation.circleStrokeWidth = 0

/// The following handlers add tap and longpress gesture handlers. The `context` parameter
/// contains the `point` of the gesture in view coordinate system and a geographical `coordinate`.
annotation.tapHandler = { [id =] context in
let latlon = String(format: "lat: %.3f, lon: %.3f", context.coordinate.latitude, context.coordinate.longitude)
print("annotation tap: \(id), \(latlon)")
return true // don't propagate tap to annotations below
annotation.longPressHandler = { [id =] context in
let latlon = String(format: "lat: %.3f, lon: %.3f", context.coordinate.latitude, context.coordinate.longitude)
print("annotation longpress: \(id), \(latlon)")
return true // don't propagate tap to annotations below

/// The following gesture handlers create the dragging effect.
/// The dragged annotation becomes larger and receives a stroke.
/// - Important: In order to modify the annotation while it is being dragged,
/// use the inout `annotation` that comes as the first argument to the handler.
/// Don't use the source annotation that you used to configure it initially.
/// The annotations are value types.
/// The second `context` argument is similar to tap and longpress gestures.
annotation.dragBeginHandler = { annotation, _ in
annotation.circleRadius = 22
annotation.circleStrokeWidth = 2
print("annotation drag begin: \(")
return true // allow drag gesture begin
annotation.dragChangeHandler = { annotation, context in
let latlon = String(format: "lat: %.3f, lon: %.3f", context.coordinate.latitude, context.coordinate.longitude)
print("annotation drag: \(, \(latlon)")
annotation.dragEndHandler = { annotation, _ in
annotation.circleRadius = 12
annotation.circleStrokeWidth = 0
print("annotation drag ended: \(")

circleAnnotationManager.annotations = annotations

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