
public class CredentialsManager
extension CredentialsManager: Equatable
extension CredentialsManager: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible

Convenience class that holds MapboxMaps related secrets.

It’s possible to create CredentialsManager instances as you need them, however it’s convenient to use the default object (default).

For example, we recommend that the Mapbox access token be set in application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) rather than relying on the value in your application’s Info.plist:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    // Override point for customization after application launch.
    CredentialsManager.default.accessToken = "overridden-access-token"
    return true
  • Access token.

    This property has “null resettable” behavior; if you set accessToken to nil, we will return the application’s default access token.



    public var accessToken: String! { get set }
  • Default instance

    This shared instance is used by the default initializers for ResourceOptions and MapInitOptions.

    The application’s Info.plist will be searched for a valid access token under the key MBXAccessToken

    A valid access token must be provided or found.



    public private(set) static var `default`: CredentialsManager { get }
  • Initializes a CredentialsManager with an access token.

    If the supplied token is nil (which is the case for the default) then we will search for an access token in the application’s Info.plist. Use the shared CredentialsManager.default to set a globally shared access token.



    public convenience init(accessToken: String?)



    access token or nil

  • Declaration


    public static func == (lhs: CredentialsManager, rhs: CredentialsManager) -> Bool