
extension ResourceOptions
  • Initialize a ResourceOptions, used by both MapViews and Snapshotters


    If loadTilePacksFromNetwork is enabled, all tile requests are instead converted to tile pack requests, i.e. the tile pack that includes the request tile will be loaded, and the tile extracted from it. With this option set, no individual tile requests will be made.

    If disabled, the implementation first checks if a tile pack is already loaded. If that’s the case, the tile will be extracted and returned. Otherwise, the implementation falls back to requesting the individual tile and storing it in the ambient cache.

    Whether or not loadTilePacksFromNetwork should be enabled depends on a few factors:

    If Predictive Caching is enabled, there’s a good chance that there are already loaded tile packs in the vicinity of the user, so the cost of loadTilePacksFromNetwork matters less. And if users can’t pan freely, and the app is a navigation app, loadTilePacksFromNetwork should be enabled to avoid downloading duplicate content.

    If users can pan freely, loadTilePacksFromNetwork should be disabled. Otherwise, panning will download tile packs instead of using individual tiles. Note that this means that we could first download an individual tile, and then a tile pack that also includes this tile. The individual tile in the ambient cache won’t be used as long as the up-to-date tile pack exists in the cache.

    Tile packs loading from network is disabled by default.



    public convenience init(accessToken: String,
                            baseUrl: String? = nil,
                            cachePath: String? = nil,
                            assetPath: String? = nil,
                            cacheSize: UInt64 = (1024*1024*10),
                            tileStore: TileStore? = nil,
                            tileStoreEnabled: Bool = true,
                            loadTilePacksFromNetwork: Bool = false)



    Mapbox access token. You must provide a valid token.


    Base url for resource requests; default is nil


    Path to database cache; default is nil, which will create a path in the application’s “support directory”


    Path to assets; default is nil, which will use the application’s resource bundle.


    Size of the cache.


    A tile store is only used if tileStoreEnabled is true, otherwise this argument is ignored. If nil (and tileStoreEnabled is true, the a default tile store will be created and used.


    Enables or disables tile store usage.


    Enables or disables tile store packs loading from network; default is false. This setting is ignored if tileStoreEnabled is false

  • The size of the cache in bytes



    public var cacheSize: UInt64? { get }