
Computes areas that are reachable within a specified amount of time or distance from a location, and returns the reachable regions as contours of polygons or lines that you can display on a map.

  • A tuple type representing the isochrone session that was generated from the request.

  • A closure (block) to be called when a isochrone request is complete.

  • The Authorization & Authentication credentials that are used for this service.

    If nothing is provided, the default behavior is to read credential values from the developer’s Info.plist.

  • The shared isochrones object.

    To use this object, a Mapbox access token should be specified in the MBXAccessToken key in the main application bundle’s Info.plist.

  • Creates a new instance of Isochrones object.

  • Begins asynchronously calculating isochrone contours using the given options and delivers the results to a closure.

    This method retrieves the contours asynchronously from the Mapbox Isochrone API over a network connection. If a connection error or server error occurs, details about the error are passed into the given completion handler in lieu of the contours.

    Contours may be displayed atop a Mapbox map.