
open class RouteStep : Codable

A RouteStep object represents a single distinct maneuver along a route and the approach to the next maneuver. The route step object corresponds to a single instruction the user must follow to complete a portion of the route. For example, a step might require the user to turn then follow a road.

You do not create instances of this class directly. Instead, you receive route step objects as part of route objects when you request directions using the Directions.calculate(_:completionHandler:) method, setting the includesSteps option to true in the RouteOptions object that you pass into that method.

  • Initializes a step.



    public init(transportType: TransportType, maneuverLocation: Turf.LocationCoordinate2D, maneuverType: ManeuverType, maneuverDirection: ManeuverDirection? = nil, instructions: String, initialHeading: Turf.LocationDirection? = nil, finalHeading: Turf.LocationDirection? = nil, drivingSide: DrivingSide, exitCodes: [String]? = nil, exitNames: [String]? = nil, phoneticExitNames: [String]? = nil, distance: Turf.LocationDistance, expectedTravelTime: TimeInterval, typicalTravelTime: TimeInterval? = nil, names: [String]? = nil, phoneticNames: [String]? = nil, codes: [String]? = nil, destinationCodes: [String]? = nil, destinations: [String]? = nil, intersections: [Intersection]? = nil, speedLimitSignStandard: SignStandard? = nil, speedLimitUnit: UnitSpeed? = nil, instructionsSpokenAlongStep: [SpokenInstruction]? = nil, instructionsDisplayedAlongStep: [VisualInstructionBanner]? = nil, administrativeAreaContainerByIntersection: [Int?]? = nil, segmentIndicesByIntersection: [Int?]? = nil)



    The mode of transportation used for the step.


    The location of the maneuver at the beginning of this step.


    The type of maneuver required for beginning this step.


    Additional directional information to clarify the maneuver type.


    A string with instructions explaining how to perform the step’s maneuver.


    The user’s heading immediately before performing the maneuver.


    The user’s heading immediately after performing the maneuver.


    Indicates what side of a bidirectional road the driver must be driving on. Also referred to as the rule of the road.


    Any exit numbers assigned to the highway exit at the maneuver.


    The names of the roundabout exit.


    A phonetic or phonemic transcription indicating how to pronounce the names in the exitNames property.


    The step’s distance, measured in meters.


    The step’s expected travel time, measured in seconds.


    The step’s typical travel time, measured in seconds.


    The names of the road or path leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.


    A phonetic or phonemic transcription indicating how to pronounce the names in the names property.


    Any route reference codes assigned to the road or path leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.


    Any route reference codes that appear on guide signage for the road leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.


    Destinations, such as control cities, that appear on guide signage for the road leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.


    An array of intersections along the step.


    The sign design standard used for speed limit signs along the step.


    The unit of speed limits on speed limit signs along the step.


    Instructions about the next step’s maneuver, optimized for speech synthesis.


    Instructions about the next step’s maneuver, optimized for display in real time.

  • Declaration


    public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
  • Declaration


    public required convenience init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
  • The path of the route step from the location of the maneuver to the location of the next step’s maneuver.

    The value of this property may be nil, for example when the maneuver type is arrive.

    Using the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS or Mapbox Maps SDK for macOS, you can create an MGLPolyline object using the LineString.coordinates property to display a portion of a route on an MGLMapView.



    public var shape: LineString?
  • The location of the maneuver at the beginning of this step.



    public let maneuverLocation: Turf.LocationCoordinate2D
  • The type of maneuver required for beginning this step.



    public let maneuverType: ManeuverType
  • Additional directional information to clarify the maneuver type.



    public let maneuverDirection: ManeuverDirection?
  • A string with instructions explaining how to perform the step’s maneuver.

    You can display this string or read it aloud to the user. The string does not include the distance to or from the maneuver. For instructions optimized for real-time delivery during turn-by-turn navigation, set the RouteOptions.includesSpokenInstructions option and use the instructionsSpokenAlongStep property. If you need customized instructions, you can construct them yourself from the step’s other properties or use OSRM Text Instructions.


    If you use the MapboxDirections framework with the Mapbox Directions API, this property is formatted and localized for display to the user. If you use OSRM directly, this property contains a basic string that only includes the maneuver type and direction. Use OSRM Text Instructions to construct a complete, localized instruction string for display.



    public let instructions: String
  • The user’s heading immediately before performing the maneuver.



    public let initialHeading: Turf.LocationDirection?
  • The user’s heading immediately after performing the maneuver.

    The value of this property may differ from the user’s heading after traveling along the road past the maneuver.



    public let finalHeading: Turf.LocationDirection?
  • Indicates what side of a bidirectional road the driver must be driving on. Also referred to as the rule of the road.



    public let drivingSide: DrivingSide
  • The number of exits from the previous maneuver up to and including this step’s maneuver.

    If the maneuver takes place on a surface street, this property counts intersections. The number of intersections does not necessarily correspond to the number of blocks. If the maneuver takes place on a grade-separated highway (freeway or motorway), this property counts highway exits but not highway entrances. If the maneuver is a roundabout maneuver, the exit index is the number of exits from the approach to the recommended outlet. For the signposted exit numbers associated with a highway exit, use the exitCodes property.

    In some cases, the number of exits leading to a maneuver may be more useful to the user than the distance to the maneuver.



    open var exitIndex: Int?
  • Any exit numbers assigned to the highway exit at the maneuver.

    This property is only set when the maneuverType is ManeuverType.takeOffRamp. For the number of exits from the previous maneuver, regardless of the highway’s exit numbering scheme, use the exitIndex property. For the route reference codes associated with the connecting road, use the destinationCodes property. For the names associated with a roundabout exit, use the exitNames property.

    An exit number is an alphanumeric identifier posted at or ahead of a highway off-ramp. Exit numbers may increase or decrease sequentially along a road, or they may correspond to distances from either end of the road. An alphabetic suffix may appear when multiple exits are located in the same interchange. If multiple exits are combined into a single exit, the step may have multiple exit codes.



    public let exitCodes: [String]?
  • The names of the roundabout exit.

    This property is only set for roundabout (traffic circle or rotary) maneuvers. For the signposted names associated with a highway exit, use the destinations property. For the signposted exit numbers, use the exitCodes property.

    If you display a name to the user, you may need to abbreviate common words like “East” or “Boulevard” to ensure that it fits in the allotted space.



    public let exitNames: [String]?
  • A phonetic or phonemic transcription indicating how to pronounce the names in the exitNames property.

    This property is only set for roundabout (traffic circle or rotary) maneuvers.

    The transcription is written in the International Phonetic Alphabet.



    public let phoneticExitNames: [String]?
  • The step’s distance, measured in meters.

    The value of this property accounts for the distance that the user must travel to go from this step’s maneuver location to the next step’s maneuver location. It is not the sum of the direct distances between the route’s waypoints, nor should you assume that the user would travel along this distance at a fixed speed.



    public let distance: Turf.LocationDistance
  • The step’s expected travel time, measured in seconds.

    The value of this property reflects the time it takes to go from this step’s maneuver location to the next step’s maneuver location. If the route was calculated using the ProfileIdentifier.automobileAvoidingTraffic profile, this property reflects current traffic conditions at the time of the request, not necessarily the traffic conditions at the time the user would begin this step. For other profiles, this property reflects travel time under ideal conditions and does not account for traffic congestion. If the step makes use of a ferry or train, the actual travel time may additionally be subject to the schedules of those services.

    Do not assume that the user would travel along the step at a fixed speed. For the expected travel time on each individual segment along the leg, specify the AttributeOptions.expectedTravelTime option and use the RouteLeg.expectedSegmentTravelTimes property.



    open var expectedTravelTime: TimeInterval
  • The step’s typical travel time, measured in seconds.

    The value of this property reflects the typical time it takes to go from this step’s maneuver location to the next step’s maneuver location. This property is available when using the ProfileIdentifier.automobileAvoidingTraffic profile. This property reflects typical traffic conditions at the time of the request, not necessarily the typical traffic conditions at the time the user would begin this step. If the step makes use of a ferry, the typical travel time may additionally be subject to the schedule of this service.

    Do not assume that the user would travel along the step at a fixed speed.



    open var typicalTravelTime: TimeInterval?
  • The names of the road or path leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.

    If the maneuver is a turning maneuver, the step’s names are the name of the road or path onto which the user turns. If you display a name to the user, you may need to abbreviate common words like “East” or “Boulevard” to ensure that it fits in the allotted space.

    If the maneuver is a roundabout maneuver, the outlet to take is named in the exitNames property; the names property is only set for large roundabouts that have their own names.



    public let names: [String]?
  • A phonetic or phonemic transcription indicating how to pronounce the names in the names property.

    The transcription is written in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

    If the maneuver traverses a large, named roundabout, the exitPronunciationHints property contains a hint about how to pronounce the names of the outlet to take.



    public let phoneticNames: [String]?
  • Any route reference codes assigned to the road or path leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.

    A route reference code commonly consists of an alphabetic network code, a space or hyphen, and a route number. You should not assume that the network code is globally unique: for example, a network code of “NH” may indicate a “National Highway” or “New Hampshire”. Moreover, a route number may not even uniquely identify a route within a given network.

    If a highway ramp is part of a numbered route, its reference code is contained in this property. On the other hand, guide signage for a highway ramp usually indicates route reference codes of the adjoining road; use the destinationCodes property for those route reference codes.



    public let codes: [String]?
  • Any route reference codes that appear on guide signage for the road leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.

    This property is typically available in steps leading to or from a freeway or expressway. This property contains route reference codes associated with a road later in the route. If a highway ramp is itself part of a numbered route, its reference code is contained in the codes property. For the signposted exit numbers associated with a highway exit, use the exitCodes property.

    A route reference code commonly consists of an alphabetic network code, a space or hyphen, and a route number. You should not assume that the network code is globally unique: for example, a network code of “NH” may indicate a “National Highway” or “New Hampshire”. Moreover, a route number may not even uniquely identify a route within a given network. A destination code for a divided road is often suffixed with the cardinal direction of travel, for example “I 80 East”.



    public let destinationCodes: [String]?
  • Destinations, such as control cities, that appear on guide signage for the road leading from this step’s maneuver to the next step’s maneuver.

    This property is typically available in steps leading to or from a freeway or expressway.



    public let destinations: [String]?
  • An array of intersections along the step.

    Each item in the array corresponds to a cross street, starting with the intersection at the maneuver location indicated by the coordinates property and continuing with each cross street along the step.



    public let intersections: [Intersection]?
  • Each intersection’s administrative region index.

    This property is set to nil if the intersections property is nil. An individual array element may be nil if the corresponding Intersection instance has no administrative region assigned.


    Intersection.regionCode, RouteStep.regionCode(atStepIndex:, intersectionIndex:)



    public let administrativeAreaContainerByIntersection: [Int?]?
  • Segments indices for each Intersection along the step.

    The indices are arranged in the same order as the items of intersections. This property is nil if intersections is nil. An individual item may be nil if the corresponding JSON-formatted intersection object has no geometry_index property.



    public let segmentIndicesByIntersection: [Int?]?
  • The sign design standard used for speed limit signs along the step.

    This standard affects how corresponding speed limits in the RouteLeg.segmentMaximumSpeedLimits property should be displayed.



    public let speedLimitSignStandard: SignStandard?
  • The unit of speed limits on speed limit signs along the step.

    This standard affects how corresponding speed limits in the RouteLeg.segmentMaximumSpeedLimits property should be displayed.



    public let speedLimitUnit: UnitSpeed?
  • Instructions about the next step’s maneuver, optimized for speech synthesis.

    As the user traverses this step, you can give them advance notice of the upcoming maneuver by reading aloud each item in this array in order as the user reaches the specified distances along this step. The text of the spoken instructions refers to the details in the next step, but the distances are measured from the beginning of this step.

    This property is non-nil if the RouteOptions.includesSpokenInstructions option is set to true. For instructions designed for display, use the instructions property.



    public let instructionsSpokenAlongStep: [SpokenInstruction]?
  • Instructions about the next step’s maneuver, optimized for display in real time.

    As the user traverses this step, you can give them advance notice of the upcoming maneuver by displaying each item in this array in order as the user reaches the specified distances along this step. The text and images of the visual instructions refer to the details in the next step, but the distances are measured from the beginning of this step.

    This property is non-nil if the RouteOptions.includesVisualInstructions option is set to true. For instructions designed for speech synthesis, use the instructionsSpokenAlongStep property. For instructions designed for display in a static list, use the instructions property.



    public let instructionsDisplayedAlongStep: [VisualInstructionBanner]?