Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS

The Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS is an open-source framework for embedding interactive map views with scalable, customizable vector maps into Cocoa Touch applications on iOS 9.0 and above using Objective-C, Swift, or Interface Builder. It takes stylesheets that conform to the Mapbox Style Specification, applies them to vector tiles that conform to the Mapbox Vector Tile Specification, and renders them using OpenGL.

Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS screenshots

For setup information, check out the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS homepage. For detailed usage instructions, read “First steps with the Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS” and consult the online examples.

If you have any questions, please see our help page. We welcome your bug reports, feature requests, and contributions.

Changes in version 4.7.0


  • Added the Mapbox-iOS-SDK-stripped build flavor, featuring fewer debug symbols. Regular framework binaries are no longer stripped of debug symbols and the Mapbox-iOS-SDK-symbols build has been retired. (#13504)
  • This SDK’s dynamic framework now has a bundle identifier of com.mapbox.Mapbox. (#12857)

Styles and rendering

Map snapshots

  • MGLMapSnapshotter now respects the MGLIdeographicFontFamilyName key in Info.plist, which reduces bandwidth consumption when snapshotting regions that contain Chinese or Japanese characters. (#13427)
  • Fixed a sporadic crash when using MGLMapSnapshotter. (#13300)

Other changes

Recent changes

See the full changelog for previous releases.