Report an error from a map, search, route, geocoding result, etc.
Report issues with Mapbox Data
To report issues with Mapbox data (map data, points of interest, geocoding results (address matching), search results, etc.) use our Contribute tool.
Routing issues with the Directions API cannot be reported through the Contribute tool.
You can provide feedback by opening the Directions API Playground, generating the route and then clicking the purple Send feedback about this route button.
Once on the Contribute page, you can suggest improvements by following these steps:
- Long press where on the map you'd like to make a change.
- Select the relevant category to your issue as seen in the list below.
- Fill out the required information in the form that appears, including any relevant proof.
- To help with submitting contributions, we recommend including photos, links, comments, etc., to help us verify the legitimacy of contributions.
- If you'd like to be notified of updates on this issue, make sure above the submit button, the check the Notify me when my issue has been resolved check box.
- Click the Submit button to submit your suggestions.
Contribute Tool Options
Make sure to long press on the map to bring up a draggable red marker before clicking the Contribute button, allowing you to specify where on the map you'd like your report to be.
A link to the Contribute page can also be located through most Mapbox Maps by clicking the Improve this map link as seen in the image below:
For more information about where Mapbox's map data comes from and how you can contribute, you can visit the "Getting Started" guide for Mapbox data.