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What data sources does Mapbox use to build services?

Mapbox uses a variety of data sources for its different services:

  • Mapbox Streets: A major data source that Mapbox maps rely on is OpenStreetMap (often shortened to OSM), a global volunteer project that everyone can contribute to.
  • Mapbox Countries: The data in the Mapbox Countries tileset is based on information obtained from officially recognized local or international entities.
  • Mapbox Terrain: This service is comprised of a wide variety of data sources from government-provided datasets as well as third-party commercial data.
  • Mapbox Satellite: The imagery for Mapbox Satellite comes from a variety of sources, including commercial providers and open data from NASA, USGS, and others. The raw imagery is color-corrected to look realistic and blended together into a single raster tileset.
  • Mapbox Geocoding API: The data sources for the Geocoding API come from governments, open data projects, and private companies.
  • Mapbox Boundaries: The data in the Mapbox Boundaries tilesets is based on information obtained from officially recognized local or international entities whenever possible.
  • Mapbox Elevation: These services use multiple data sources depending on the zoom level and location. Different sources often use different vertical datum references.

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