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Geographic Analytics Extension for Tableau

  • check
    Performant vector maps
  • check
    Advanced geospatial analytics

The Geographic Analytic Extension provides Tableau users with the ability to create geospatial visualizations that are not possible with Tableau Desktop yet. The overarching purpose of this extension is to extend Tableau's geospatial capabilities, introduce users to new geospatial techniques, and inspire thought about the future of mapping in Tableau.


The extension provides users with the following visualization capabilities:

  • Clustering
  • Hex Grid
  • Square Grid
  • Voronoi
  • Data Elevation (isobands)

All visualizations are dynamically generated and zoomed to the bounding box of the selected data.

System requirements

You must use Tableau 2018.2 or higher to access the Geographic Analytic Extension. No Mapbox account is required.

The Extension API connects to your underlying data by binding to an individual worksheet. Once the connected, the API will query the underlying data of that specific worksheet. If the volume of data for that worksheet exceeds 10,000 rows, then the extension will display an error. It is important to note that this 10,000 rows is the documented limit for the Extension API. To resolve this error, reduce the data passed to the extension. Options for this include:

  • Select fewer marks on the bound worksheet.
  • Aggregate the dataset of the bound worksheet.
  • Filter the dataset of the bound worksheet.

There is a known issue that affects some users on Tableau Desktop for Windows. Due to the settings on the embedded browser utilized by Desktop, there may be an issue in which WebGL is not enabled. This will cause the extension to fail initialization. If this occurs, you will see an error. Unfortunately, this is a Tableau issue and cannot be resolved by Mapbox. If you see this issue, contact Tableau Support.

Installation instructions

Once you have downloaded the extension from the link above or from the Tableau Extension Gallery, add it to your dashboard as normal. You do not need to sign up for a Mapbox account for the extension to function.

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