Searches for addresses nearby (around proximity point), matched with specified street name. Each new search request cancels the previous one if it is still in progress. In this case OfflineSearchCallback.onError will be called with
AsyncOperationTask object which allows to cancel the request.
Street name to match.
Coordinate to search in its vicinity.
Radius (in meters) around proximity.
Executor used for events dispatching. By default events are dispatched on the main thread.
Search result callback.
Searches for addresses nearby (around proximity point), matched with specified street name. Each new search request cancels the previous one if it is still in progress. In this case OfflineSearchCallback.onError will be called with
AsyncOperationTask object which allows to cancel the request.
Street name to match.
Coordinate to search in its vicinity.
Radius (in meters) around proximity.
Search result callback, delivers results on the main thread.