
class SearchAddress @JvmOverloads constructor(val houseNumber: String? = null, val street: String? = null, val neighborhood: String? = null, val locality: String? = null, val postcode: String? = null, val place: String? = null, val district: String? = null, val region: String? = null, val country: String? = null) : Parcelable

Represents address of the search result.


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fun SearchAddress(houseNumber: String? = null, street: String? = null, neighborhood: String? = null, locality: String? = null, postcode: String? = null, place: String? = null, district: String? = null, region: String? = null, country: String? = null)


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class Builder

Builder for comfortable creation of SearchAddress instance.

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Values for specifying the portions of the address to be included in the formatted address string.

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abstract class FormatStyle

Describes how detailed should be formatted address in string representation.


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fun copy(houseNumber: String? = this.houseNumber, street: String? = this.street, neighborhood: String? = this.neighborhood, locality: String? = this.locality, postcode: String? = this.postcode, place: String? =, district: String? = this.district, region: String? = this.region, country: String? = SearchAddress

Creates new SearchAddress from current instance.

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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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Formats address. Note that this function doesn't take into account locale and just concatenates address parts separated by a comma. The parts of the address used for formatting are determined by the formatting style.

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Creates new SearchAddress.Builder from current SearchAddress instance.

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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val country: String? = null

Address country.

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val district: String? = null

Address district.

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val houseNumber: String? = null

Address house number.

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val locality: String? = null

Address locality.

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val neighborhood: String? = null

Address neighborhood.

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val place: String? = null

Address place.

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val postcode: String? = null

Address postcode.

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val region: String? = null

Address region.

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val street: String? = null

Address street.