
class SearchNavigationOptions @JvmOverloads() constructor(navigationProfile: SearchNavigationProfile, etaType: EtaType?) : Parcelable

Additional search options to improve navigation experience.

If only navigationProfile is provided, search results will not have information about ETA, but search ranking logic will be affected: the faster you can walk/drive to the point, the higher search result rank.

If both navigationProfile and etaType are provided, it indicates that the caller intends to perform a higher cost navigation ETA estimate. Please note, either SearchOptions.origin should be specified or LocationProvider.getLocation should provide point in order to calculate ETA. Also, ETA will not be calculated, if it's impossible to build a route from provided origin point to the destination.


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fun SearchNavigationOptions(navigationProfile: SearchNavigationProfile, etaType: EtaType? = null)


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abstract fun describeContents(): Int
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abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)


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val etaType: EtaType? = null
Indicates that the caller intends to perform a higher cost navigation ETA estimate.
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val navigationProfile: SearchNavigationProfile
Used to calculate ETA from SearchOptions.origin point to a search suggestion and search result or to affect search ranking logic.