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class ActiveGuidanceScreen(    carActiveGuidanceContext: CarActiveGuidanceCarContext,     actionProviders: List<MapboxActionProvider>,     placesLayerUtil: PlacesListOnMapLayerUtil = PlacesListOnMapLayerUtil()) : Screen

After a route has been selected. This view gives turn-by-turn instructions for completing the route.

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class CarActiveGuidanceCarContext(val mainCarContext: MainCarContext)
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enum CarCameraMode : Enum<CarCameraMode>
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class CarDistanceFormatter(unitType: UnitType)
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class CarLocationsOverviewCamera(initialCameraOptions: CameraOptions = CameraOptions.Builder() .zoom(DEFAULT_INITIAL_ZOOM) .build()) : MapboxCarMapObserver
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class CarNavigationCamera(    initialCarCameraMode: CarCameraMode,     alternativeCarCameraMode: CarCameraMode?,     carRoutesProvider: CarRoutesProvider = NavigationCarRoutesProvider(),     initialCameraOptions: CameraOptions? = CameraOptions.Builder() .zoom(DEFAULT_INITIAL_ZOOM) .build()) : MapboxCarMapObserver

Integrates the Android Auto MapboxCarMapSurface with the NavigationCamera.

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class CarNavigationEtaMapper(carDistanceFormatter: CarDistanceFormatter, tripProgressApi: MapboxTripProgressApi)
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class CarNavigationInfo

Contains data needed to populate the NavigationTemplate.

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class CarNavigationInfoMapper(    context: Context,     carManeuverInstructionRenderer: CarManeuverInstructionRenderer,     carManeuverIconRenderer: CarManeuverIconRenderer,     carLanesImageGenerator: CarLanesImageRenderer,     carDistanceFormatter: CarDistanceFormatter)

The car library provides an NavigationTemplate.NavigationInfo interface to show in a similar way we show Maneuvers. This class takes our maneuvers and maps them to the provided RoutingInfo for now.

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class CarNavigationInfoProvider : MapboxCarMapObserver

Provides the NavigationTemplate.NavigationInfo and TravelEstimate populated with Mapbox navigation data. This can be used with a Screen that shows a NavigationTemplate.

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class MapUserStyleObserver : MapboxCarMapObserver