Default recycler adapter to render upcoming maneuvers for the RouteLeg.
View Holder defined for the RecyclerView.Adapter
Invoke to add all upcoming maneuvers to the recycler view.
Returns the total number of items in the data set held by the adapter.
Invoked by RecyclerView to display the data at the specified position.
Binds the given View to the position.
Given a Map of id to RoadShield, the function maintains a map of id to RoadShield that is used to render the shield on the view
Given a set of RoadShield, the function maintains a set of RoadShield that is used to render the shield on the view
Allows you to change the text appearance of step distance text in upcoming maneuver list.
Allows you to change the text appearance of primary maneuver text in upcoming maneuver list.
Allows you to change the text appearance of secondary maneuver text in upcoming maneuver list.