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class CarSearchEngine(searchEngine: SearchEngine, navigationLocationProvider: NavigationLocationProvider)

This class is to simplify the interaction with the SearchEngine for the specific use cases that the app needs in the car.

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class FavoritesApi(carContext: CarContext, favoritesProvider: FavoritesDataProvider) : PlacesListOnMapProvider, CarFeedbackItemProvider
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class GetPlacesError
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class PlaceRecord(    val id: String,     val name: String,     val coordinate: Point?,     val description: String? = null,     val categories: List<String> = listOf())
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object PlaceRecordMapper
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class SearchCarContext(val mainCarContext: MainCarContext)

Contains the dependencies for the search feature.

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class SearchScreen(searchCarContext: SearchCarContext) : Screen

This screen allows the user to search for a destination.