set Navigation Route Lines
suspend fun MapboxRouteLineApi.setNavigationRouteLines(newRoutes: List<NavigationRouteLine>): Expected<RouteLineError, RouteSetValue>
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Sets the routes that will be operated on.
a state which contains the side effects to be applied to the map
one or more routes. The first route in the collection will be considered the primary route and any additional routes will be alternate routes.
suspend fun MapboxRouteLineApi.setNavigationRouteLines(newRoutes: List<NavigationRouteLine>, alternativeRoutesMetadata: List<AlternativeRouteMetadata>): Expected<RouteLineError, RouteSetValue>
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Sets the routes that will be operated on.
a state which contains the side effects to be applied to the map
one or more routes. The first route in the collection will be considered the primary route and any additional routes will be alternate routes.
if available, the update will hide the portions of the alternative routes until the deviation point with the primary route. See MapboxNavigation.getAlternativeMetadataFor.