MapboxNavigation.graphAccessor provides methods to get edge (e.g. EHorizonEdge) shape and metadata.
NOTE: The Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature of the Mapbox Navigation SDK is in public beta and is subject to changes, including its pricing. Use of the feature is subject to the beta product restrictions in the Mapbox Terms of Service. Mapbox reserves the right to eliminate any free tier or free evaluation offers at any time and require customers to place an order to purchase the Mapbox Electronic Horizon feature, regardless of the level of use of the feature.
Returns ADAS data for a given Edge. If no ADAS data is available, returns null
Returns Graph Edge meta-information for the given GraphId of the edge. If edge with given edgeId is not accessible, returns null
Returns Graph Edge geometry for the given GraphId of the edge. If edge with given edgeId is not accessible, returns null
Returns geographical coordinate of given position on graph If position's edge is not accessible, returns null.
Returns geometry of given path on graph. If any of path edges is not accessible, returns null.