
class Builder

Builder of ManeuverExitOptions


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fun Builder()


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fun build(): ManeuverExitOptions

Build a new instance of ManeuverExitOptions

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fun mutcdExitProperties(mutcdExitProperties: MapboxExitProperties.PropertiesMutcd): ManeuverExitOptions.Builder

Specify the drawables you wish to render for an ExitComponentNode component contained in a Maneuver. These properties would be applied to countries following MUTCD convention

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fun textAppearance(@StyleRes textAppearance: Int): ManeuverExitOptions.Builder

Allows you to change the text appearance of PrimaryManeuver, SecondaryManeuver and SubManeuver.

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fun viennaExitProperties(viennaExitProperties: MapboxExitProperties.PropertiesVienna): ManeuverExitOptions.Builder

Specify the drawables you wish to render for an ExitComponentNode component contained in a Maneuver. These properties would be applied to countries following VIENNA convention