This class contains all progress information at any given time during a navigation session. This progress includes information for the current route, leg, and step that the user is traveling along. With every new valid location update, a new route progress will be generated using the latest information.
The latest route progress object can be obtained through the RouteProgressObserver. Note that the route progress object's immutable.
DirectionsRoute the navigation session is currently using. When a reroute occurs and a new directions route gets obtained, with the next location update this directions route should reflect the new route.
BannerInstructions current instructions for visual guidance.
VoiceInstructions current instruction for audio guidance.
RouteProgressState the current state of progress along the route. Provides route and location tracking information.
RouteLegProgress current progress of the active leg, includes time and distance estimations.
List location coordinates describing the upcoming step.
Boolean value indicating whether the current location is in a tunnel.
Float provides the distance remaining in meters until the user reaches the end of the route.
Float representing the distance traveled along the route in meters.
Double seconds time remaining until the route destination is reached.
Float fraction traveled along the current route. This value is between 0 and 1 and isn't guaranteed to reach 1 before the user reaches the end of the route.
Int number of waypoints remaining on the current route.
list of upcoming road objects.
if there were no location updates for a significant amount which causes a lack of confidence in the progress updates being sent.