Package com.mapbox.navigation.ui.route


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data class IdentifiableRoute(route: DirectionsRoute, routeIdentifier: String)
A wrapper class for DirectionsRoute that includes an identity property that can be used to override the color of the route line.
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open class MapRouteArrow
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interface MapRouteLineInitializedCallback
A call back that can be used to indicate that the route line layers have been added to the current style.
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open class NavigationMapRoute : LifecycleObserver
Provide a route using addRoutes and a route will be drawn using runtime styling.
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interface OnRouteSelectionChangeListener
Listener for determining which current route the user has selected as their primary route for navigation.
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data class RouteLineLayerIds(primaryRouteTrafficLineLayerId: String, primaryRouteLineLayerId: String, alternativeRouteLineLayerIds: List<String>)
Contains the values for the primary and alternative route line layer ID's
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data class RouteStyleDescriptor(routeIdentifier: String, lineColorResourceId: Int, lineShieldColorResourceId: Int)
This class is used for describing the route line color(s) at runtime.