
open class NavigationMapboxMap : LifecycleObserver

Wrapper class for MapboxMap.

This class initializes various map-related components and plugins that are useful for providing a navigation-driven map experience.

These APIs include drawing a route line, camera animations, and more.


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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner)
Constructor that can be used once OnMapReadyCallback has been called via getMapAsync.
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, vanishRouteLineEnabled: Boolean)
Constructor that can be used once OnMapReadyCallback has been called via getMapAsync.
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, routeBelowLayerId: String)
Constructor that can be used once OnMapReadyCallback has been called via getMapAsync.
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, routeBelowLayerId: String, vanishRouteLineEnabled: Boolean, useSpecializedLocationLayer: Boolean)
Constructor that can be used once OnMapReadyCallback has been called via getMapAsync.
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(layerInteractor: MapLayerInteractor)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(locationComponent: LocationComponent)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapRoute: NavigationMapRoute)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(navigationSymbolManager: NavigationSymbolManager)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapWayName: MapWayName, mapFpsDelegate: MapFpsDelegate)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapWayName: MapWayName, mapFpsDelegate: MapFpsDelegate, mapRoute: NavigationMapRoute, mapCamera: NavigationCamera, locationFpsDelegate: LocationFpsDelegate)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapWayName: MapWayName, mapFpsDelegate: MapFpsDelegate, mapRoute: NavigationMapRoute, mapCamera: NavigationCamera, locationFpsDelegate: LocationFpsDelegate, locationComponent: LocationComponent, vanishRouteLineEnabled: Boolean)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapboxMap: MapboxMap, mapWayName: MapWayName, mapFpsDelegate: MapFpsDelegate, mapRoute: NavigationMapRoute, mapCamera: NavigationCamera, locationFpsDelegate: LocationFpsDelegate, locationComponent: LocationComponent, vanishRouteLineEnabled: Boolean)
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open fun NavigationMapboxMap(mapboxMap: MapboxMap, layerInteractor: MapLayerInteractor, adjustor: MapPaddingAdjustor)


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open class Builder
Creates NavigationMapboxMap object.


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open fun addCustomMarker(options: SymbolOptions): Symbol
Adds a custom marker to the map based on the options provided.
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open fun addDestinationMarker(position: Point)
Adds a marker icon on the map at the given position.
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open fun addOnCameraTrackingChangedListener(listener: OnCameraTrackingChangedListener)
Add a OnCameraTrackingChangedListener to the LocationComponent that iswrapped within this class.
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open fun addOnWayNameChangedListener(listener: OnWayNameChangedListener): Boolean
Add a OnWayNameChangedListener for listening to updatesto the way name shown on the map below the location icon.
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open fun addProgressChangeListener(navigation: MapboxNavigation)
Can be used to automatically drive the map camera, puck and route updateswhen STARTED.
open fun addProgressChangeListener(navigation: MapboxNavigation, enableVanishingRouteLine: Boolean)
Use addProgressChangeListener Can be used to automatically drive the map camera, puck and route updateswhen STARTED.
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open fun adjustLocationIconWith(customPadding: Array<Int>)
Use this method to position the location icon on the map.
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open fun clearMarkers()
Clears all markers on the map that have been added by this class.
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open fun clearMarkersWithIconImageProperty(markerIconImageProperty: String)
Clears all markers with the specified icon image.
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open fun clearMarkerWithId(markerId: Long)
Clears marker with the specified marker id.
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open fun disableVanishingRouteLine()
This will disable the feature to change the appearance of the route line behind thepuck as it moves across the map.
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open fun drawIdentifiableRoute(route: IdentifiableRoute)
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open fun drawIdentifiableRoutes(routes: List<IdentifiableRoute>)
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open fun drawRoute(route: DirectionsRoute)
Will draw the given DirectionsRoute on the map using the colors definedin your given style.
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open fun drawRoutes(routes: List<out DirectionsRoute>)
Will draw the given list of DirectionsRoute on the map using the colors definedin your given style.
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open fun enableVanishingRouteLine()
This will enable the feature to change the appearance of the route line behind thepuck as it moves across the map.
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open fun hideRoute()
Will hide the drawn route displayed on the map.
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open fun isIncidentsVisible(): Boolean
Returns true if the map has incidents layers and they are visible andwill return false otherwise.
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open fun isTrafficVisible(): Boolean
Returns true if the map has traffic layers and they are visible andwill return false otherwise.
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open fun onNewRouteProgress(routeProgress: RouteProgress)
Can be used to manually update the route progress.
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open fun removeOnCameraTrackingChangedListener(listener: OnCameraTrackingChangedListener)
Remove a OnCameraTrackingChangedListener from the LocationComponent that iswrapped within this class.
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open fun removeOnWayNameChangedListener(listener: OnWayNameChangedListener): Boolean
Remove a OnWayNameChangedListener for listening to updatesto the way name shown on the map below the location icon.
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open fun removeProgressChangeListener()
Removes the previously registered progress change listener.
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open fun resetCameraPositionWith(trackingCameraMode: Int)
Resets the map camera / padding to the last known camera position.
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open fun resetPadding()
This method resets the map padding to the default padding that isgenerated when navigation begins (location icon moved to lower half of the screen) orthe custom padding that was last passed via adjustLocationIconWith.
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open fun restoreStateFrom(inState: Bundle)
Can be used to restore a NavigationMapboxMap after it has been initialized.
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open fun resumeCamera(location: Location)
Centers the map camera around the provided Location.
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open fun retrieveCamera(): NavigationCamera
Provides the camera being used to animate the map camera positionsalong the route, driven by the progress change listener.
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open fun retrieveMap(): MapboxMap
Provides the MapboxMap originally given in the constructor.
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open fun retrieveMapRoute(): NavigationMapRoute
Provides the object being used to draw the route line.
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open fun saveStateWith(outState: Bundle)
Can be used to store the current state of the map in onSaveInstanceState.
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open fun setCamera(camera: Camera)
Set Camera which allows you to perform operations like zoom, tilt etc.
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open fun setOnRouteSelectionChangeListener(listener: OnRouteSelectionChangeListener)
Set a OnRouteSelectionChangeListener to know which route the user has currentlyselected as their primary route.
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open fun setPuckDrawableSupplier(supplier: PuckDrawableSupplier)
Allows to pass in a custom implementation of PuckDrawableSupplier
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open fun showAlternativeRoutes(alternativesVisible: Boolean)
Toggle whether or not you'd like the map to display the alternative routes.
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open fun showRoute()
Will show the drawn route displayed on the map.
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open fun showRouteGeometryOverview(padding: Array<Int>): Boolean
Adjusts the map camera to DirectionsRoute being traveled along.
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open fun showRouteOverview(padding: Array<Int>)
Adjusts the map camera to DirectionsRoute being traveled along.
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open fun startCamera(directionsRoute: DirectionsRoute)
Centers the map camera to the beginning of the provided DirectionsRoute.
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open fun takeScreenshot(snapshotReadyCallback: MapboxMap.SnapshotReadyCallback)
Used to take the snapshot of the current state of the map.
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open fun updateCameraTrackingMode(trackingMode: Int)
Updates the NavigationCamera.TrackingMode that will be used when camera tracking is enabled.
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open fun updateIncidentsVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)
Updates the visibility of incidents layers on the map (if any exist).
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open fun updateLocation(location: Location)
Updates the location icon on the map and way name data (if found)for the given Location.
open fun updateLocation(locations: List<Location>)
This method can be used to provide the list of locations where the last one is the targetand the rest are intermediate points used as the animation path.The puck and the camera will be animated between each of the points linearly until reaching the target.
open fun updateLocation(location: Location, animationDuration: Long)
Updates the location icon on the map and way name data (if found)for the given Location.
open fun updateLocation(locations: List<Location>, animationDuration: Long)
This method can be used to provide the list of locations where the last one is the targetand the rest are intermediate points used as the animation path.The puck and the camera will be animated between each of the points linearly until reaching the target.
open fun updateLocation(location: Location, intermediateLocations: List<Location>, animationDuration: Long)
This method can be used to provide the target locationand a list of intermediate points used as the animation path.The puck and the camera will be animated between each of the points linearly until reaching the target.
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open fun updateLocationFpsThrottleEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean)
Enabled by default, the navigation map will throttle frames per second of the location iconbased on the map zoom level.
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open fun updateLocationLayerRenderMode(renderMode: Int)
Updates how the user location is shown on the map.
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open fun updateLocationVisibilityTo(isVisible: Boolean)
Hide or show the location icon on the map.
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open fun updateMapFpsThrottle(maxFpsThreshold: Int)
The maximum preferred frames per second at which to render the map.
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open fun updateMapFpsThrottleEnabled(isEnabled: Boolean)
Enabled by default, the navigation map will throttle frames per second when the application haslimited resources, such as when the device is running on battery power.
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open fun updateTrafficVisibility(isVisible: Boolean)
Updates the visibility of traffic layers on the map (if any exist).
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open fun updateWaynameQueryMap(isEnabled: Boolean)
Enables or disables the way name chip underneath the location icon.


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