
open class NavigationMapRoute : LifecycleObserver

Provide a route using addRoutes and a route will be drawn using runtime styling. The route will automatically be placed below all labels independent of specific style. If the map styles changed when a routes drawn on the map, the route will automatically be redrawn onto the new map style.

You are given the option when first constructing an instance of this class to pass in a style resource. This allows for custom colorizing and line scaling of the route. Inside your applications {@code style.xml} file, you extend {@code


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open fun NavigationMapRoute(navigation: MapboxNavigation, mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, styleRes: Int, belowLayer: String, mapClickListener: MapRouteClickListener, didFinishLoadingStyleListener: MapView.OnDidFinishLoadingStyleListener, progressChangeListener: MapRouteProgressChangeListener)
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open fun NavigationMapRoute(navigation: MapboxNavigation, mapView: MapView, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, lifecycleOwner: LifecycleOwner, styleRes: Int, belowLayer: String, mapClickListener: MapRouteClickListener, didFinishLoadingStyleListener: MapView.OnDidFinishLoadingStyleListener, progressChangeListener: MapRouteProgressChangeListener, routeLine: MapRouteLine, routeArrow: MapRouteArrow)


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open class Builder
The Builder of NavigationMapRoute.


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open fun addIdentifiableRoute(directionsRoute: IdentifiableRoute)
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open fun addIdentifiableRoutes(directionsRoutes: List<IdentifiableRoute>)
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open fun addProgressChangeListener(navigation: MapboxNavigation)
This method will allow this class to listen to route progress and adapt the route linewhenever STARTED.In order to use the vanishing route line feature be sure to enable the feature beforecalling this method.
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open fun addRoute(directionsRoute: DirectionsRoute)
Allows adding a single primary route for the user to traverse along.
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open fun addRoutes(directionsRoutes: List<out DirectionsRoute>)
Provide a list of DirectionsRoutes, the primary route will default to the first routein the directions route list.
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open fun onNewRouteProgress(routeProgress: RouteProgress)
Can be used to manually update the route progress.
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open fun removeProgressChangeListener(navigation: MapboxNavigation)
Should be called if addProgressChangeListener wascalled to prevent leaking.
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open fun setOnRouteSelectionChangeListener(onRouteSelectionChangeListener: OnRouteSelectionChangeListener)
Add a OnRouteSelectionChangeListener to know which route the user has currentlyselected as their primary route.
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open fun showAlternativeRoutes(alternativesVisible: Boolean)
Toggle whether or not you'd like the map to display the alternative routes.
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open fun updateRouteArrowVisibilityTo(isVisible: Boolean)
Hides the progress arrow on the map drawn by this class.
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open fun updateRouteVisibilityTo(isVisible: Boolean)
Hides all routes on the map drawn by this class.


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private open var vanishRouteLineEnabled: Boolean