
open fun updateLocation(location: Location)

Updates the location icon on the map and way name data (if found)for the given Location.

NavigationMapboxMap automatically listens to onEnhancedLocationChanged when a progress observeris subscribed with addProgressChangeListener and invoking this method in that scenario will lead to competing updates.



to update the icon and query the map

open fun updateLocation(locations: List<Location>)

This method can be used to provide the list of locations where the last one is the targetand the rest are intermediate points used as the animation path.The puck and the camera will be animated between each of the points linearly until reaching the target.

NavigationMapboxMap automatically listens to onEnhancedLocationChanged when a progress observeris subscribed with addProgressChangeListener and invoking this method in that scenario will lead to competing updates.



the path to update the location icon