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Default constructor is used in the Compose Preview. You should get the instance through the Dash.mapGptCompose property.


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val avatar: StateFlow<MapGptAvatar>

Surfaces the current avatar used to show the conversation states.

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Surfaces the conversation state used to show the chat bubble.

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val chatItems: StateFlow<List<ChatItem>>

Surfaces the current items used to show the conversation and action items.

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val config: MutableStateFlow<MapGptComposeConfig>
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val isAvailable: StateFlow<Boolean>

Surfaces if the MapGpt feature is available.

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val isEnabled: StateFlow<Boolean>
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val sessionError: StateFlow<Throwable?>

Surfaces a session error when there is one available. If there is no error, the value is null.

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val sessionState: StateFlow<SessionState>

Surfaces the current MapGPT connection state.


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fun attachContent(composeView: ComposeView, content: @Composable () -> Unit): MapGptDetachableUI

Apply the Mapbox styles to the provided ComposeView. This is often needed to use the Mapbox Compose components.

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fun Avatar(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit = {}, mapGptAvatar: MapGptAvatar? = null)
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fun ChatBubbleView(modifier: Modifier = Modifier)
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fun ChatCarousel(modifier: Modifier = Modifier)

Default UI for the MapGPT carousel. This includes the chat bubble and clickable cards.

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When building your own MapGPT UI, you should use this composable to connect the MapGPT state to your UI. This is also called in the default UI and is not required.

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fun KeyboardModeButton(modifier: Modifier, onClick: () -> Unit)

Default UI used for opening the keyboard mode.

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fun KeyboardModeExpanded(modifier: Modifier, onCloseClick: () -> Unit)

Default UI for the MapGPT chat with the keyboard feature.

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Function to handle activating the voice assistant.

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Function to handle the user selecting a card from the keyboard mode.

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suspend fun onSendClicked(message: String)

Function to send a message through the keyboard mode.

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fun PreviewTheme(content: @Composable () -> Unit)

Function that can be used to preview components.