Package-level declarations
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Represents altimeter data including pressure and timestamp.
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Represents attitude data including pitch, yaw, and roll angles.
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class DashCompassData(val magneticHeading: Angle?, val trueHeading: Angle?, val headingAccuracy: Angle?, val rawGeomagneticData: Point3D, val monotonicTimestampNanoseconds: Long)
Represents compass data including heading information and raw geomagnetic data.
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Represents the different constellation types (the types of satellite navigation systems).
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Class containing information about ETC gate.
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class DashMotionData(val attitude: DashAttitudeData, val rotationRate: AngularVelocity3D, val gravityAcceleration: Point3D, val userAcceleration: Point3D, val magneticField: Point3D, val heading: Angle, val monotonicTimestampNanoseconds: Long)
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class DashOdometryData(val x: Float, val y: Float, val z: Float, val yawAngle: Angle, val monotonicTimestampNanoseconds: Long)
Represents odometry data which includes the position and orientation of a vehicle.
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class DashRawGnssData(val location: DashRawGnssLocation, val satellites: List<DashRawGnssSatelliteData>, val monotonicTimestampNanoseconds: Long)
Represents raw GNSS data, including location information and satellite data.
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class DashRawGnssLocation(val altitude: Float, val bearing: Angle, val speed: Speed, val latitude: Float, val longitude: Float, val bearingAccuracy: Angle, val speedAccuracy: Speed, val horizontalAccuracyMeters: Float, val verticalAccuracyMeters: Float)
Represents raw GNSS location data, which includes various metrics such as altitude, bearing, speed, latitude, and longitude.
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class DashRawGnssSatelliteData(val svid: Int, val carrierFrequencyHz: Float?, val basebandCn0DbHz: Double?, val cn0DbHz: Double, val usedInFix: Boolean, val hasEphemerisData: Boolean, val hasAlmanacData: Boolean, val constellationType: DashConstellationType, val azimuth: Angle, val elevation: Angle)
Represents raw GNSS satellite data, which includes various metrics related to the satellite's signal.