
class MapboxEvViewClient(mapboxEVSearchClientApi: MapboxEVSearchClientApi, options: MapboxEvViewOptions)


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constructor(mapboxEVSearchClientApi: MapboxEVSearchClientApi, options: MapboxEvViewOptions)


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fun cancel()

Cancels background tasks. This method should be called by the client application when the activity or fragment is cleaning up resources and/or going out of scope.

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fun handleMapClick(target: Point, mapboxMap: MapboxMap)

Data from map click events should be forwarded to this method in order to search for EV stations at the click point. If an EV station is found it will be emitted via the flow.

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fun hide()

Hides the map layer hosting the EV stations.

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Initiates a render command to initialize the layer(s) used to display EV stations. It's not generally necessary to call this method since render commands will check for the presence the layer(s) and create them automatically. However under some circumstances it may be an advantage for an application to explicitly initialize the layer(s).

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suspend fun mapClickEvStationSearch(target: Point, mapboxMap: MapboxMap, searchCache: Boolean = true): Either<EvStationNotFoundError, EVStation>

Looks for an EV station on the map at the target point. If found the EV station is returned or an error.

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fun removeStationsNotInArea(bbox: BoundingBox)
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fun reRender()

Issues a render command that can be used to render the EV stations on the map.

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Applies a power range filter to the EV stations displayed on the map. The filter will only show EV stations whose max output power is within the specified range.

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fun show()

Shows the map layer hosting the EV stations.

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fun update(data: SourceDataLoaded)

The client application should subscribe to SourceDataLoaded events from the MapboxMap and forward the events to this method in order to use this class correctly.

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Update the MapboxEvViewOptions. Any changes to EV station icons will take effect with the next render command emitted.