
class DestinationPreviewViewState(val visible: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(false), val destinationState: State<DestinationState> = mutableStateOf(DestinationState.WaitingData), val leftButtonState: State<ActionButtonState?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), val rightButtonState: State<ActionButtonState?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), val alreadyOnTheRoute: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(value = false), val focusedElement: State<FocusedElement?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), val titleSingleLine: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(value = false), val collapseBottomSheetEvent: Flow<Unit> = emptyFlow(), val destinationResult: State<DestinationResult?> = mutableStateOf(null), val previewLayout: State<DestinationPreviewLayout?> = mutableStateOf(null), val onClickLeftButton: () -> Unit = {}, val onClickRightButton: () -> Unit = {}, val onClickFavorite: (DestinationSearchResult, PlaceFavoriteStatus) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, val onClickFeedback: () -> Unit = {}, val beforeCloseClick: () -> Unit = {})


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constructor(visible: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(false), destinationState: State<DestinationState> = mutableStateOf(DestinationState.WaitingData), leftButtonState: State<ActionButtonState?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), rightButtonState: State<ActionButtonState?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), alreadyOnTheRoute: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(value = false), focusedElement: State<FocusedElement?> = mutableStateOf(value = null), titleSingleLine: State<Boolean> = mutableStateOf(value = false), collapseBottomSheetEvent: Flow<Unit> = emptyFlow(), destinationResult: State<DestinationResult?> = mutableStateOf(null), previewLayout: State<DestinationPreviewLayout?> = mutableStateOf(null), onClickLeftButton: () -> Unit = {}, onClickRightButton: () -> Unit = {}, onClickFavorite: (DestinationSearchResult, PlaceFavoriteStatus) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onClickFeedback: () -> Unit = {}, beforeCloseClick: () -> Unit = {})


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