
class HistoryResult(val id: String, val name: String, val descriptionText: String?, val address: SearchAddress?, val routablePoints: List<@Serializable(with = RoutablePointSurrogateSerializer::class) RoutablePoint>?, val coordinate: Point?, val categories: List<String>?, val types: List<SearchResultType>, val timestamp: Long)


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constructor(id: String, name: String, descriptionText: String?, address: SearchAddress?, routablePoints: List<@Serializable(with = RoutablePointSurrogateSerializer::class) RoutablePoint>?, coordinate: Point?, categories: List<String>?, types: List<SearchResultType>, timestamp: Long)


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object Companion


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@Serializable(with = SearchAddressSerializer::class)
val address: SearchAddress?
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@Serializable(with = PointSurrogateSerializer::class)
val coordinate: Point?
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val id: String
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val routablePoints: List<@Serializable(with = RoutablePointSurrogateSerializer::class) RoutablePoint>?
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val types: List<SearchResultType>


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String