
data class DashColors(val textColor: DashTextColor, val backgroundColors: DashBackgroundColor, val buttonColors: DashButtonColor, val borderColors: DashBorderColor, val iconColor: DashIconColor, val speedLimitColor: DashSpeedLimitColor, val workingHoursColor: DashWorkingHoursColor, val guidanceColor: DashGuidanceColor, val evColor: DashEvColor) : ComposeInstance


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constructor(textColor: DashTextColor, backgroundColors: DashBackgroundColor, buttonColors: DashButtonColor, borderColors: DashBorderColor, iconColor: DashIconColor, speedLimitColor: DashSpeedLimitColor, workingHoursColor: DashWorkingHoursColor, guidanceColor: DashGuidanceColor, evColor: DashEvColor)



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