
data class AppData(val state: State = State.FreeDrive.Idle, val mapState: MapState = MapState.Loading, val mapGptState: MapGptState = MapGptState(), val trackingState: TrackingState, val placesPreviewState: PlacesPreviewState = PlacesPreviewState.Idle, val feedbackSearchResult: DestinationSearchResult? = null, val selectedPlace: SelectedPlace? = null, val selectedWaypoint: DestinationSearchResult? = null, val waypointToBeReplaced: DestinationSearchResult? = null, val fetchingState: FetchingState = FetchingState.None, val tripState: TripState = TripState(), val activeTripState: TripState? = null, val weather: PlaceWeather = PlaceWeather.NoWeather, val navigationManagerIntent: NavigationManagerIntent = NavigationManagerIntent.Idle, val resumeNavigationIntent: ResumeNavigationIntent = ResumeNavigationIntent.Idle, val selectedManeuver: RouteManeuver? = null, val maneuverState: ManeuverState = ManeuverState.Gone, val audioStageViewState: AudioStageViewState = AudioStageViewState(), val viewsVisibility: ViewsVisibility = ViewsVisibility(), val allowToEndRoutInOneClick: Boolean = false, val chargingPort: Port? = null, val isCharging: Boolean = false, val searchAnchor: Point? = null, val lastKnownDestination: LastKnownDestination? = null, val navigationSuggestions: List<DashNavigationSuggestion> = emptyList())


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constructor(state: State = State.FreeDrive.Idle, mapState: MapState = MapState.Loading, mapGptState: MapGptState = MapGptState(), trackingState: TrackingState, placesPreviewState: PlacesPreviewState = PlacesPreviewState.Idle, feedbackSearchResult: DestinationSearchResult? = null, selectedPlace: SelectedPlace? = null, selectedWaypoint: DestinationSearchResult? = null, waypointToBeReplaced: DestinationSearchResult? = null, fetchingState: FetchingState = FetchingState.None, tripState: TripState = TripState(), activeTripState: TripState? = null, weather: PlaceWeather = PlaceWeather.NoWeather, navigationManagerIntent: NavigationManagerIntent = NavigationManagerIntent.Idle, resumeNavigationIntent: ResumeNavigationIntent = ResumeNavigationIntent.Idle, selectedManeuver: RouteManeuver? = null, maneuverState: ManeuverState = ManeuverState.Gone, audioStageViewState: AudioStageViewState = AudioStageViewState(), viewsVisibility: ViewsVisibility = ViewsVisibility(), allowToEndRoutInOneClick: Boolean = false, chargingPort: Port? = null, isCharging: Boolean = false, searchAnchor: Point? = null, lastKnownDestination: LastKnownDestination? = null, navigationSuggestions: List<DashNavigationSuggestion> = emptyList())


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object Companion


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val chargingPort: Port? = null
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val isCharging: Boolean = false
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val searchAnchor: Point? = null
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fun AppData.reduceViewsVisibility(fromState: State, toState: State, event: Event, mapGptState: MapGptState, tripState: TripState): ViewsVisibility
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fun <T> AppData.view(block: ViewsVisibility.() -> T): T