
class MapGptReplayController(mapGptReplayRecorder: MapGptReplayRecorder, mapGptReplayer: MapGptReplayer, debugModeRepository: DebugModeRepository, scope: CoroutineScope)


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constructor(mapGptReplayRecorder: MapGptReplayRecorder, mapGptReplayer: MapGptReplayer, debugModeRepository: DebugModeRepository, scope: CoroutineScope)


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Provides a state of the MapGptReplayStatus of the MapGptReplayer.


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fun getReplayRecorder(): ReplayRecorder
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fun startSession(recordingSession: MapGptRecordingSession)

Loads the recording session and starts the replaying of the session's events.

fun startSession(pathToRecordingSessionFile: String)

Loads the recording session file at the path specified and starts the playback of events. Note: The path to the file should point to a file on the device.