
Configures appearance of Dash's UI elements.



style resource to use when day mode is enabled.


style resource to use when night mode is enabled.


custom location puck configuration. This value takes precedence over the Theme.iconTheme.puck value.


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object Companion
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Defines configuration options available to be updated in the runtime. See Dash.applyUpdate.


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val locationPuck: LocationPuck? = null
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fun <T, B : DashConfigBuilder<T, B>> DashConfigBase<T, B>.copy(func: B.() -> Unit): T

Creates a copy of a given configuration instances with options mutated by the provided function.

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toBuilder(): DashThemeConfig.Builder

Returns a new Builder instance with copied elements of this configuration.

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open override fun toString(): String