
data class Theme(val id: ThemeId, @StyleRes val style: Int, val isNightTheme: Boolean, context: Context, val iconTheme: IconTheme, val chargingPinIcon: ChargingPinIcon, val progressBarTheme: ProgressBarTheme, @StyleRes val turnCardStyle: Int = style)


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constructor(id: ThemeId, @StyleRes style: Int, isNightTheme: Boolean, context: Context, iconTheme: IconTheme, chargingPinIcon: ChargingPinIcon, progressBarTheme: ProgressBarTheme, @StyleRes turnCardStyle: Int = style)


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val id: ThemeId
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val style: Int
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fun Theme.createDrawable(color: DashColor, cornerRadius: Float, inset: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false): Drawable?
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fun Theme.createStrokeDrawable(backgroundColor: DashColor?, strokeColor: DashColor?, stokeWidth: Int, cornerRadii: DashDrawableCornerRadii, inset: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false): Drawable?
fun Theme.createStrokeDrawable(backgroundColor: DashColor?, strokeColor: DashColor?, stokeWidth: Int, backgroundCornerRadius: Float, inset: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false): Drawable?
fun Theme.createStrokeDrawable(@ColorRes backgroundColorId: Int, @ColorRes strokeColorId: Int, stokeWidth: Int, backgroundCornerRadius: Float, inset: Int, shouldHighlightFocus: Boolean = false): Drawable?
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fun getColorFromAttr(@AttrRes attrColor: Int, typedValue: TypedValue = TypedValue(), resolveRefs: Boolean = true): Int
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fun getDrawableSelector(drawableSelectorIndex: Int): StateListDrawable?
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fun getIconDrawable(iconIndex: Int): Drawable?
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