
object Facility

Optional list of facilities this charging location directly belongs to.


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annotation class Type

Facility type.


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const val AIRPORT: String

An airport.

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const val BIKE_SHARING: String

A bike/e-bike/e-scooter sharing location.

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const val BUS_STOP: String

A bus stop.

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const val CAFE: String

A cafe.

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A carpool parking.

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const val FUEL_STATION: String

A Fuel station.

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const val HOTEL: String

A hotel.

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const val MALL: String

A mall or shopping center.

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A metro station.

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const val MUSEUM: String

A museum.

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const val NATURE: String

Located in, or close to, a park, nature reserve etc.

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const val PARKING_LOT: String

A parking lot.

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A recreation area.

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const val RESTAURANT: String

A restaurant.

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const val SPORT: String

Sport facilities: gym, field etc.

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const val SUPERMARKET: String

A supermarket.

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const val TAXI_STAND: String

A taxi stand.

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A train station.

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const val TRAM_STOP: String

A tram stop/station.

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const val WIFI: String

Wifi or other type of internet available.