Scope of user's feedback events that might be sent through com.mapbox.navigation.core.MapboxNavigation.postUserFeedback.
This event occurs if the user taps a feedback button in the navigation app indicating there was a problem.
Feedback description for route quality: alternative route not expected
Feedback description for arrival feedback not good: confusing instructions
Feedback type arrival information: user's feelings is good about the arrival experience as the device comes to the final destination
Feedback type arrival information: user's feelings is not good about the arrival experience as the device comes to the final destination
Feedback description for arrival feedback not good: this place is closed
Feedback description for arrival feedback not good: wrong entrance
Feedback description for arrival feedback not good: wrong location
Feedback description for illegal route: cars not allowed on street
Feedback description for looks incorrect: exit info incorrect
Feedback description for confusing audio: guidance too early
Feedback description for confusing audio: guidance too late
Feedback type confusing audio during Active Navigation: wrong audio guidance
Feedback description for incorrect visual and looks incorrect: incorrect speed limit
Feedback type incorrect visual during Free Drive
Feedback type looks incorrect during Active Navigation: wrong visual guidance
Feedback description for looks incorrect: instruction missing
Feedback description for looks incorrect: instruction unnecessary
Feedback description for looks incorrect: lane guidance incorrect
Feedback description for looks incorrect: maneuver incorrect
Feedback description for road issue: missing road
Feedback type other during Free Drive: for feedback not categorized anywhere else
Feedback type positioning issue during Free Drive or Active Navigation: wrong positioning
Feedback description for confusing audio: pronunciation incorrect
Feedback type road closure during Active Navigation: closed road or one that does not allow vehicles
Feedback type road issue during Free Drive
Feedback description for confusing audio: road name repeated
Feedback description for route quality: route had roads too narrow to pass
Feedback description for route quality: route included missing roads
Feedback type illegal route during Active Navigation
Feedback description for route quality: route not driveable
Feedback description for route quality: route not preferred
Feedback description for illegal route: routed down a one-way
Feedback type route quality during Active Navigation: poor instruction or route choice (ambiguous or poorly-timed turn announcement, or a set of confusing turns)
Feedback description for incorrect visual and looks incorrect: street name incorrect
Feedback description for road issue and road closure: street permanently blocked off
Feedback description for road issue: street temporarily blocked off
Feedback description for wrong traffic: congestion
Feedback type wrong traffic during Free Drive
Feedback description for wrong traffic: moderate
Feedback description for wrong traffic: no traffic
Feedback description for looks incorrect: turn icon incorrect
Feedback description for illegal route: turn was not allowed