
class MapboxRestAreaApi @JvmOverloads constructor(val options: MapboxRestAreaOptions = MapboxRestAreaOptions.Builder().build())

Mapbox Rest Area Api allows you to generate service area and parking area information for select maneuvers.


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constructor(options: MapboxRestAreaOptions = MapboxRestAreaOptions.Builder().build())


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fun cancelAll()

Invoke the method to cancel all ongoing requests to generate a sapa guide map.

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fun generateRestAreaGuideMap(    instructions: BannerInstructions,     consumer: MapboxNavigationConsumer<Expected<RestAreaGuideMapError, RestAreaGuideMapValue>>)

The method takes in BannerInstructions and generates rest area guide map based on the presence of BannerComponents of type BannerComponents.GUIDANCE_VIEW and subType BannerComponents.SAPAGUIDEMAP

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The method takes in RouteProgress and generates rest area guide map based on the presence of RestStop.guideMapUri.