Provides information about the status of the enhanced location updates generated by the map matching engine of the Navigation SDK.
the best possible location update, snapped to the route or map matched to the road if possible.
a list (can be empty) of predicted location points leading up to the target update. The last point on the list (if not empty) is always equal to enhancedLocation.
whether the SDK thinks that the user is off road, based on the offRoadProbability.
probability that the user is off road.
returns true if map matcher changed its opinion about most probable path on last update. In practice it means we don't need to animate puck movement from previous to current location and just do an immediate transition instead.
current speed limit during free drive and active navigation session. In order to receive the speed limit make sure you add annotationsList with DirectionsCriteria.ANNOTATION_MAXSPEED annotation to the route request.
when map matcher snaps to a road, this is the confidence in the chosen edge from all nearest edges.
Int current Z-level. Can be used to build a route from a proper level of a road.
Road can be used to get information about the Road including name, shield name and shield url.
whether map matching was running in "degraded" mode, i.e. can have worse quality(usually happens due to the lack of map data).
value indicating whether the current location is in a tunnel. In practice "degraded" mode means raw location in free drive and worse off-route experience in case of route set.
corrected GPS location data, the result of corrections applied to the input location, if any. Users still need to use enhancedLocation.