Builder of LocationPuckOptions
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck in active navigation state when in the NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck in arrival state when in the NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING
Build a new instance of LocationPuckOptions
Apply the same LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck for all navigation states and any NavigationCameraState
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck in destination preview state when in the NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck in free drive state when in the NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck for all navigation states when in the NavigationCameraState.IDLE or the NavigationCameraState.OVERVIEW.
Apply LocationPuck2D or LocationPuck3D to location puck in route preview state when in the NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING