
fun getManeuvers(route: NavigationRoute, routeLegIndex: Int? = null): Expected<ManeuverError, List<Maneuver>>

Returns a list of Maneuvers which are wrappers on top of BannerInstructions that are in the provided route.

If a RouteLeg param is provided, the returned list will only contain Maneuvers for the RouteLeg provided as param, otherwise, the returned list will only contain Maneuvers for the first RouteLeg in a DirectionsRoute.


Expected with Maneuvers if success and an error if failure.



route for which to generate maneuver objects


specify to inform the API of the index of RouteLeg you wish to get the list of Maneuver. By default the API returns the list of maneuvers for the first RouteLeg in a DirectionsRoute.

See also


fun getManeuvers(routeProgress: RouteProgress): Expected<ManeuverError, List<Maneuver>>

Returns a list of Maneuvers which are wrappers on top of BannerInstructions that are in the provided route.

Given RouteProgress the function prepares a list of remaining Maneuvers on the currently active route leg (RouteLegProgress).

The first upcoming Maneuver object will also contain an up-to-date distance remaining from the current user location to the maneuver point, based on RouteProgress.


Expected with Maneuvers if success and an error if failure.



current route progress

See also
