Package com.mapbox.navigation.tripdata.maneuver.model
A simplified data structure representing an individual component inside BannerComponents
A generic type of BannerComponents
ComponentNode of the type BannerComponents.DELIMITER
ComponentNode of the type BannerComponents.EXIT
ComponentNode of the type BannerComponents.EXIT_NUMBER
A factory exposed to build a Lane object.
A class that allows you to define your own turn lane icons to be rendered.
"sub": { "components": [ { "active_direction": "left", "active": true, "directions": "left" , "type": "lane", "text": "" }, { "active": false, "directions": "left" , "type": "lane", "text": "" } ], "text": "" }
Represents an error value for maneuver updates.
A factory exposed to build a ManeuverError object.
A factory exposed to build a Maneuver object.
Specifies options for parsing Maneuver data in the MapboxManeuverApi.
"primary": { "components": { "imageBaseURL": "https://mapbox-navigation-shields...", "type": "icon", "text": "CA 262" }, { "type": "delimiter", "text": "/" }, { "type": "text", "text": "Mission Boulevard" } , "type": "turn", "modifier": "uturn", "text": "CA 262 / Mission Boulevard" }
A factory exposed to build a PrimaryManeuver object.
ComponentNode of the type BannerComponents.ICON
"secondary": { "components": { "imageBaseURL": "https://mapbox-navigation-shields...", "type": "icon", "text": "CA 262" }, { "type": "delimiter", "text": "/" }, { "type": "text", "text": "Mission Boulevard" } , "type": "turn", "modifier": "uturn", "text": "CA 262 / Mission Boulevard" }
A factory exposed to build a SecondaryManeuver object.
Data structure representing distance associated with the step. Can be either distance remaining to finish the step or total step distance.
A factory exposed to build StepDistance object.
"sub": { "components": { "imageBaseURL": "https://mapbox-navigation-shields...", "type": "icon", "text": "CA 262" }, { "type": "delimiter", "text": "/" }, { "type": "text", "text": "Mission Boulevard" } , "type": "turn", "modifier": "uturn", "text": "CA 262 / Mission Boulevard" }
A factory exposed to build SubManeuver object.
ComponentNode of the type BannerComponents.TEXT
Represents an error case when obtaining turn icon data
A class that allows you to define your own maneuver icons to be rendered.