Package com.mapbox.navigation.ui.components.maps


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class CameraModeConfig

Camera mode button component configuration class.

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class RecenterButtonConfig

Recenter button component configuration class.

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class RoadNameConfig

Road name component configuration class.


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fun ComponentInstaller.cameraModeButton(button: MapboxCameraModeButton, config: CameraModeConfig.() -> Unit = {}): Installation

Install component that toggles NavigationCamera between NavigationCameraState.OVERVIEW and NavigationCameraState.FOLLOWING on button click.

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fun ComponentInstaller.recenterButton(    mapView: MapView,     button: MapboxExtendableButton,     config: RecenterButtonConfig.() -> Unit = {}): Installation

Install component that re-centers the mapView to device location on button click.

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fun ComponentInstaller.roadName(    mapView: MapView,     roadNameView: MapboxRoadNameView,     config: RoadNameConfig.() -> Unit = {}): Installation

Install component that updates MapboxRoadNameView with a road name that matches current device location.