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interface FollowingCameraFramingStrategy

Strategy used to calculate points to be framed for the FOLLOWING camera mode.

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class FollowingFrameOptions

Options that impact the generation of the following frame.

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class MapboxNavigationViewportDataSource(mapboxMap: MapboxMap) : ViewportDataSource

Default implementation of ViewportDataSource to use with the NavigationCamera.

class MapboxNavigationViewportDataSourceOptions

Options that impact generation of frames.

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class OverviewFrameOptions

Options that impact the generation of the overview frame.

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class ViewportData(val cameraForFollowing: CameraOptions, val cameraForOverview: CameraOptions)

Data object that carries the camera frames that NavigationCamera uses for transitions and continuous updates.

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interface ViewportDataSource

Describes an object that provides desired camera positions to NavigationCamera.

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fun interface ViewportDataSourceUpdateObserver

Observer that gets notified whenever ViewportData changes.