
class ReplayRouteMapper @JvmOverloads constructor(var options: ReplayRouteOptions = ReplayRouteOptions.Builder().build())

This class converts a DirectionsRoute into events that can be replayed using the MapboxReplayer to navigate a route.


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fun ReplayRouteMapper(options: ReplayRouteOptions = ReplayRouteOptions.Builder().build())


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object Companion


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fun mapDirectionsRouteGeometry(directionsRoute: DirectionsRoute): List<ReplayEventBase>

Take a DirectionsRoute and map it to events that can be replayed by the MapboxReplayer. Uses the Directions API DirectionsRoute.geometry to calculate the speed and position estimates for the replay locations.

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fun mapDirectionsRouteLegAnnotation(directionsRoute: DirectionsRoute): List<ReplayEventBase>

Take a DirectionsRoute and map it to events that can be replayed by the MapboxReplayer. Uses the Directions API LegAnnotation to create the speed and position estimates for the replay locations.

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fun mapGeometry(geometry: String): List<ReplayEventBase>

Simulate a driver navigating a polyline string.

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fun mapPointList(points: List<Point>): List<ReplayEventBase>

Take a list of Point and map it to events that can be replayed by the MapboxReplayer.

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fun mapRouteLegAnnotation(routeLeg: RouteLeg): List<ReplayEventBase>

Given a RouteLeg, use the LegAnnotation to create the speed and locations. To use this, your Directions request must include DirectionsCriteria.ANNOTATION_SPEED and DirectionsCriteria.ANNOTATION_DISTANCE

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fun mapRouteLegGeometry(routeLeg: RouteLeg): List<ReplayEventBase>

Take a single RouteLeg from the DirectionsRoute and map it to a drive using the LegStep.geometry composed together.


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var options: ReplayRouteOptions

Options that allow you to control the driver and car behavior