
class CopilotOptions

Defines options for Copilot.



true if Copilot History files should be sent only when they include Feedback events. Default is false


if a session takes longer than this value, the history file will be split into several parts


if there are more history files for a session than this value, only the last maxHistoryFilesPerSession files will be uploaded


if the total size of history files exceeds this value, some of the first files will not be uploaded


true if Copilot should record history files in Free Drive state. Default is true


true if Copilot should record route line related events that can be used for debugging purposed. Default is false


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class Builder

Builder for CopilotOptions.


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean

Regenerate whenever a change is made

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open override fun hashCode(): Int

Regenerate whenever a change is made

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fun toBuilder(): CopilotOptions.Builder
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open override fun toString(): String

Returns a string representation of the object.


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val maxHistoryFileLengthMillis: Long
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val maxHistoryFilesPerSession: Int
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val maxTotalHistoryFilesSizePerSession: Long
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val shouldRecordFreeDriveHistories: Boolean
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val shouldRecordRouteLineEvents: Boolean
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val shouldSendHistoryOnlyWithFeedback: Boolean