Package com.mapbox.navigation.base.route


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data class ExclusionViolation(    val type: String,     val route: DirectionsRoute,     val legIndex: Int,     val leg: RouteLeg,     val stepIndex: Int,     val step: LegStep,     val intersectionIndex: Int,     val intersection: StepIntersection)

Violated road type.

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class LegWaypoint

The class contains information about a waypoint which breaks the route into legs (not the silent one).

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class NavigationRoute

Wraps a route object used across the Navigation SDK features.

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interface NavigationRouterCallback

Interface definition for a callback associated with routes request.

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class RouteAlternativesOptions

The options available for observing alternative routes. The RouteOptions used to set the current active route are updated according to the current route progress.

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class RouteRefreshOptions

The options available for refreshing the current primary NavigationRoute, as well as the alternatives. Each refresh will update:

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data class RouterFailure @JvmOverloads constructor(    val url: URL,     val routerOrigin: RouterOrigin,     val message: String,     val code: Int? = null,     val throwable: Throwable? = null,     val isRetryable: Boolean = false)

Describes a reason for a route request failure.

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sealed class RouterOrigin

Describes which kind of router presents response.


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fun NavigationRoute.exclusionViolations(): List<ExclusionViolation>

Returns all violated exclusions for this route.

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fun List<NavigationRoute>.toDirectionsRoutes(): List<DirectionsRoute>
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fun DirectionsRoute.toNavigationRoute(routerOrigin: RouterOrigin): NavigationRoute

Maps DirectionsRoute to NavigationRoute.

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fun List<DirectionsRoute>.toNavigationRoutes(routerOrigin: RouterOrigin): List<NavigationRoute>

Maps DirectionsRoutes to NavigationRoutes.


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val List<RouterFailure>?.isRetryable: Boolean

Indicates if it makes sense to retry for this type of failures. If false, it doesn't make sense to retry route request