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class CarRouteLine : MapboxCarMapObserver

This class is to simplify the interaction with MapboxRouteLineApi, MapboxRouteArrowView, and RouteProgressObserver use cases that the app needs in the car.

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class CarRoutePreviewScreen(    routePreviewCarContext: RoutePreviewCarContext,     placeRecord: PlaceRecord,     navigationRoutes: List<NavigationRoute>,     placesLayerUtil: PlacesListOnMapLayerUtil = PlacesListOnMapLayerUtil()) : Screen

After a destination has been selected. This view previews the route and lets you select alternatives. From here, you can start turn-by-turn navigation.

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class CarRouteRequest(val mapboxNavigation: MapboxNavigation, navigationLocationProvider: NavigationLocationProvider)

Service class that requests routes for the preview screen.

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interface CarRouteRequestCallback

This is a view interface. Each callback function represents a view that will be shown for the situations.

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data class RoutePreviewCarContext